Water Rate Chart

Service Fee: $19.50 charge plus:

Gallons Used Rate
1,000 $7.05
2,000 $14.10
3,000 $21.15
4,000 $27.70
5,000 $34.25
6,000 $40.80
7,000 $47.35
8,000 $53.15
9,000 $58.95
10,000 $64.75
11,000 $70.55
12,000 $76.35
13,000 $82.15
14,000 $87.95
15,000 $93.75


All over 15,000 gallons add $5.35 per thousand

If payments are not received by the 16th of each month, a penalty of 5% of the total amount due will be added to your bill.

If an employee of the district is required to come out and disconnect your meter or collect payment due on a delinquent bill a $50 charge will be added to your bill.